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Showing Tag: "career change" (Show all posts)

10 Ideas on How to Change your Career to get a better work life balance

Posted by Claire Hope on Sunday, May 27, 2012,
Changing career at any point in your working life journey is seldom easy, but it might not be as hard as you think.  

If you have determination, courage, and a realistic plan there is every chance that you will join many millions of mothers who have successfully travelled this path before you.  In many ways being a mother is a career change in itself, as you have suddenly acquired a whole new job description (often on top of your paid one).   You have rapidly acquired a whole different set of ...
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My First Post on Mum-Life-Balance!

Posted by Claire Hope on Sunday, January 15, 2012,
I've been thinking about this site for ages, and just before Christmas someone said, 'stop talking about it, just do it'.  So here we are, the start of my 'small thing' to enable someone somewhere to change for the better.

I hope that people will like the concept, and the life-balance-planning tools on offer, and most importantly I hope that we get loads of feedback so the Mum-Life-Balance Project develops into something really amazing that touches the lives of men, women and children all roun...
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Finding Mum-Life-Balance

Claire Hope Just over 2 years ago, I step-changed my working life. I now have an amazing work life balance with a portfolio career full of things I do for both money and love. Mum-Life-Balance is born out of my experience of spending time with talented women who have great wisdom to share, and my wish to pass this on.

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